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Josep Pla. viatge a l'amèrica del sud (1957) : de les col·laboracions a la revista "Destino" al volum "En mar" (1971) [Fitxer informàtic] / Rosa M. Pérez Buendía ; [dirigida per: M. Josepa Gallofré i Virgili]
Pérez Buendia, Rosa M.

[Bellaterra] : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015
Dirigida per: Gallofré i Virgili, M. Josepa. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2014
1 recurs electrònic
ISBN 9788449046087

This paper is the result of the research done for the study of Josep Pla's Viatge a l'Amèrica del Sud (1957), from the volume En Mar (OC 18) 1971, made up from his collaborations for the magazine Destino. In this book, the author presents, with the structure of a diary, the experiences of the trip he made for the magazine between December 1957 and March 1958, and which were published as "Cartas" and articles in the section "Calendario sin fechas"" between January and July 1958. This study has its origins in the interest to show some of the literary projects resulting from the trips Pla made between 1956 and 1960 for the magazine Destino, projects which were already introduced in L'aventura breu i meravellosa com un foc d'encenalls (Josep Pla's collaborations for Destino, 1956-1960), in 2008, a piece of work for the Master in Catalan Studies: language and Literature and its applications, written by Rosa M. Perez Buendia, the author of this thesis. An important part of the investigation focuses on the analysis of the material for the press which Pla chose, organized, revised and rewrote to develop a story based on a real journey.

Matèries: Tesis doctorals ; Literatura ; Escriptors ; Revistes ; Dietari
Matèries: Pla i Casadevall, Josep (1897-1981)
Àmbit:Catalunya ; Amèrica Llatina
Cronologia:1957 - 1971
Autors add.:Gallofré i Virgili, Maria Josepa (Dir.)
Accés: http://hdl.handle.net/10803/286268
Localització: TDX: Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa

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